Holding Tanks and Trickle Systems

Low water issues? Read on…

If your well production isn’t high enough to sustain the daily water requirements or peak demands of your household, farm, or business, then a holding tank and trickle system might be the solution for you.

How do this system work to solve your low water issues?

With this solution, the pump in your well consistently pumps a low volume of water from your well at all hours of the day and night. This water is deposited into a holding tank, which becomes the primary source of water for your daily tasks.

A second pump is responsible for the water pressure in your house.

With a holding tank and trickle system, you eliminate the periods of high peak usage on your well that cause it to run dry, allowing it to operate at its own level of efficiency.

Even wells with very low flow rates can deliver a lot of water when measured over the course of 24 hours, more than enough to sustain most households.

Holding tanks are also helpful if there are dissolved gases present in your water.

It is dangerous to introduce gases into your home and doing so contravenes ministry regulations. Using a holding tank allows the gas to be vented off without risk of harm, before it is pumped into your home.

We be happy to discuss such a solution with you.

Get in Touch

Call us at 905 375 8271 or email us and let’s discuss next steps.