Water Treatment Solutions

There’s real peace of mind knowing that the water flowing from your tap is clean, safe, and odor free.

Who wants to risk their health or the health of their loved ones by drinking contaminated water?

Who wants to bath in smelly water?

We offer a number of water treatment solutions to ensure that the water flowing from your taps is odor free and delicious, free of contaminants, microorganisms, iron, heavy metals, and more.

Some of the options we offer…

Water softeners

The typical solution to “hard water” or water that has a high mineral content, soft water systems extend appliance life, improve your water for bathing and laundry, reduce soap and detergent use and reduce potential long term plumbing issues due to mineral deposit build up.

Ultraviolet systems

These are very effective solutions for removing pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms from your water. Ultraviolet systems are low maintenance and energy efficient and a fantastic solution for water sterilization.

Water filtration

The ideal solution for dealing with high levels of certain minerals. If you’re dealing with elevated levels of iron, for example, installing a water filtration system will improve the taste and small of your water, prevent the staining of your plumbing fixtures and laundry and possibly improve your health (consuming too much iron is unhealthy).

Reverse osmosis systems

An exceptional choice for improving the quality of your drinking water while at the same time removing contaminants like minerals, pesticides, chemicals, and heavy metals. Reverse osmosis systems are energy efficient and require minimal ongoing maintenance (they contain filters that will need to be changed occasionally).

Which system is right for you?

That is best determined by water quality testing, source analysis, flow rate and usage analysis and a direct consultation with you, so we may address any specific concerns you may have.

Get in Touch

Call us at 1 905 375 8271 or send us an email and let’s discuss next steps.